March 4, 2015

The Great Outdoors!

Interactive. It’s a word that has revolutionized the way we think about media. To be successful, to be engaging, to be relevant, advertisers need to be interactive to truly get their message across.

According to Strategic Media Decisions, outdoor advertising or Out-of-Home advertising dates back to the ancient Babylonians. Think of out-of-home media as any opportunity to reach consumers out of the home. Its purpose is still true to its beginnings it’s just a little more elaborate. Advertisers have found boundless ways to creatively execute their message outdoors. 

Advertisers are also seeing a growth in OOH, states that people are more mobile and that “70 percent of waking hours are spent outside of the home.” They have also found a way to create what we now know as Digital Out-of-Home advertising. Digital is more interactive and is put on a digital screen, so production cost is cut tremendously. According to, the US is the world’s largest DOOH market by revenues.

Adidas truly out did themselves here. How cool is this advertisement. Messi was a good pick, too!

Real time billboards. I like it!

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